Craft Hope’s softie project for kids

Hello world and fellow geekcrafters! Would anyone else like to join in Craft Hope’s “project 19”, softies for Hurricane Sandy kids?

Since the deadline is January 10, I figure maybe I can whip up a few murlocs. The project doesn’t specify toys-only, and I think a fun monster hat is both useful and … um, fun.

Heck, maybe this will finally spur me to write and post that murloc hat pattern. Yikes, that’s been too long!

via Project 19 :: Dolls, Animals, and Monsters. Oh My!.

Boxed up birthday, sans proof

Grr! I am riding high on a finished project—not just finished, mind, but boxed up, taped, addressed, and ready to mail tomorrow—and I’m SO PSYCHED about how well the project and whole birthday package came together, including a hand-written letter from Hogwarts to the recipient.. and then I forgot to take pics of it all.

I mean, I have some store-bought items in there—a quill (a really pretty one), ink, and some branded HP-world junk collectibles from the theme park—but I have a hand-made, all-wool object d’a-freaking-more in there. And I’ve had it finished since January (because no, ah no, I don’t knit during sweaty-hands season). Finished. Finished and filed away so tidily that I couldn’t find it when the night of sending came around. Oh yeah, cause birthday, in the works since January, is on Sunday. I’m so ready. So excited. So.. without pics. Boo. And yay. B’yay.

Ok, here’s what else is in the box, cause… eff, I wish I were getting it!

Arms for a blue fairy

Ah, Springtime! The time when blue fairies’ thoughts turn to fancy… and fancy bare-armed Renfest outfits are a mite too cold by themselves.

So, Blue Fairy! Time to choose your armaments. Here are your options, in blue fluffy mohair of course, ordered from warmest to breeziest:

From Knitty, with or without the buttons, and without stripes since I only have the one color of mohair. 🙂

Knitty. Buttons? No stripes, please. Ok, maybe. But they'd have to be black and blue, not blue and blue.

Or perhaps something with a lacy pattern and more mitten-y hands.

From Ravelry, Gauntlets of Eternal Life

Rockstar.  ‘Nuff said.

Rockin! It's a toss-up whether these would be warmer than the lacy option above.

Lady MacBeth, from the AntiCraft.  I like this one for a lot of reasons.  What’s there NOT to like about Lady MacBeth for the Blue Fairy??

How about the way these attach to the hands?  Eh? Eh?

Ring-attachment option

And so, Blue Fairy, where-ever thou mayest be, give me your answer, I plea!

Lemme know whatcha like.  😀

Prom-ocalypse, blogging, and Attack-It April

First, Promocalypse is indeed now May 15.  If you haven’t gotten the e-vite or FaceBook invite, please let me know and I’ll send you the deets.

Second, it’s high time I combine my blogs.  I held off a long time because WoW (and sitting in front of a computer) didn’t seem to jive or share audience much with the greener and active interests in my life.  However, looking back on the first days of my blog, I had already begun to just blog about whatever it was that the interwebs struck me with on my fancy.  Then, after reading a friend and mentor’s blog post about keeping your blog narrowly focused, I realized that I disagreed with him because my blog is for me.  Anyone else is free to read, of course, and I love hearing from you when you do.  I even occasionally speak directly to you, like now.  But over all, Nimcrafting covers all aspects of my interests, not just WoW, not just gardening, not just geekcrafting, not just any one thing.  In fact, I found another blogger’s blog (a friend of a friend) who is right smack dab in the middle of what I suspect nimcrafting might become:  green crafting!

Moss "graffiti". Wow, I could do Space Invaders on my wall...

I suspect, my green crafts will have a decidedly geeky bent.  I mean, just check out my “shared and starred blogs” over on the left sidebar.

And finally, Attack-it April.  Finish-it February worked pretty well for me, so this month, after a month off from expectations, I’m opening up a can on projects I just keep meaning or wanting to do, but for whatever reason, don’t.  I’m looking at you, sunjars.  At you, moss graffiti.  At you, rest-of-my-plants-and-seeds.  It’s so easy to sow seeds, but I’m petrified of it for some reason.  Will I get them wrong?  Will I want to move them afterwards?  Answer, probably yes to both.  But it’s not the end of the world.  Or the End Proms!  (Promocalypse is aka Prom of the Dead aka the End Proms.  See how I tied it back up?)

Finish-it February: Yoga lady items

Well, this was the toughest one to let go.

Image from pattern page on Classic Elite Yarns (clicky to go there!)

I had ear warmers, arm warmers, leg warmers, and even a neato wrap-sweater pattern that I was dying to try and send to my yoga-lady SIL.  But I made myself a promise to let go of the projects that were plaguing me: finish them in February or let them go altogether afterwards.  If I didn’t feel strongly enough (about the yarn, the pattern, the sizes, the what-have-ye), then I probably was going to hem and haw until Christmas—or Aftermas—rolled around again and the agonizing became full force.

Now mind you, this doesn’t mean I just didn’t want to forget about yoga-lady.  It’s just that I frittered away time worrying about the perfectness of what I’d make her and now it’s almost not knitting season for me anymore.  (It’s gonna be 80 today.  That ain’t knittin season.  That’s hammock-and-beer season.)  What’s more, I couldn’t guarantee the size would work, since she’s easily a foot shorter than I am.  I can just see me making her arm or leg bags.  The ear warmer would have been an easier bet, but again, I had to let go the anxiety.

Instead, I got her a nice little gift from  It was on her Christmas list and it helps a good cause.  I’m happy on both counts and can move past the gifting angst.