Out with the minis, in with the socks

Happily, I finished up all the mini sweaters (chemistry edition!) on Sunday night.  Monday I was able to start my first pair of socks EVAR, which will be for my brother.  Strangely, he called me Sunday night and told me how cold it was where he is and how much the wind whips him around.  Sounds like I picked the right gift for him.

I’ve also updated the December schedule (dun-dun-DUNNN!) to reflect actual images of the projects I completed for the particular days.  That is, as projects become realities, I plan to put the real images on the schedule, rather than the inspiration photos.  They don’t always correlate 1:1.  I also plan to grey out the things I missed.  Liiiike that happy hour on Sunday.  Oops.  I was looking forward to it all weekend until about 4pm, then totally forgot about it.  That was a crucial time to suddenly forget!  Well, I sat and watched Forrest Gump while I finished up the sweater ornaments, so I felt better eventually.  Starting the socks yesterday made me especially happy.  I’m knitting both at once!!  I don’t like how pointy they are, but oh well.  I’ll call that character and move on.  The hat’ll likely rock out with it’s little hatlike cock out, so it’ll balance out.


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